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About The Peach Doctor


As a professional Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer & Body Sculpting Specialist, my life's passion is helping people to achieve real, long-lasting results and have a great time in the process!  Everybody can achieve their fitness goals and the key is consistency. Kick-Starting Your HOT BOD  Transformation Is Easier Than You Think. The Key To Achieving Results Is Consistency! So Whatever Your Hot Bod Goal Is, All You Need To Do Is Be Consistent; Come To Class & Leave The Rest To Me! I have not yet met a peach that couldn't be firmed or sculpted...its kinda how I got my name!

At the Peach Doctor™ Online Fitness Studio you get access to a full class timetable at the touch of a button! Fit your classes around YOUR timetable! Discover Classes That Will Leave You Fitter, Stronger & Happier!  Have Fun by joining in a class with friends and family!

Achieve Your Goals, Stay Active & Stay Connected...Lets Workout TOGETHER!

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Check Out Our
Peachy Reviews
Image by Karthik Thoguluva
Image by Element5 Digital
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Strong Great Pic
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What I Do

The Fast Track to Fit

Kettle Ball Squats

Core Training

Guaranteed Ab + Core Sculpting/Inch Shredders :


Body Sculpt  &  Pilates

Cardio Fitness

Guaranteed Sweat + Cardio Fest:


Groove Fit®  &   Zumba®

Sporty Woman Stretching

Flexibility Training

Gonna Make You Bendy + Feel Real Good:

Yoga Stretch & Stretch + Relax

Peachy Reviews

I began my fitness journey with Amy as a complete novice, I had never found a class that I felt comfortable in and wasn’t confident enough to walk into a gym. I had high blood pressure, was pre diabetic and had crippling anxiety.

Now, 5 stone lighter, with a clean bill of health, and SO much fitter these classes STILL push me, give me a desire to want more, make me sweat and make me smile!

The classes fit around my busy working and family life. They really have transformed my health, reduced my anxiety and given me a desire to workout that I have never had before!!

‘The Peach Doctor’ literally has changed my life, the drive comes from me but only because I’ve found something that I enjoy and someone that continues to give me results and progression. There’s always a new goal and Amy will help you to achieve it!

 Rachel Hayward aged 38

After an incredibly tough time in my life I knew I needed to get stronger, fitter & healthy

so I tried one of Amy's classes. It only took one Bodysculpt class and I never looked back.

The types of classes that Amy offers are a complete weekly workout for your body & mind delivering results fast, motivation & support and lots of laughs!

18 months on I've smashed my initial goal thanks to 'The Peach Doctor'.

An amazing instructor providing fantastic workouts that leave you wanting more!

Jude B-Hubball

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